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  • February

    A Thank You Letter to Stanstead

    By Ellie F., Grade 11
    We humans crave and seek forms of stability, whether it comes from an environment, one or many individuals or even an object. Before Stanstead, I was a 14-year-old girl unaware of what awaited me after the doors of high school shut and even more unaware of what and where I would be living each year of my remaining years of high school. Here’s a little background information: I have been hopping from one place to another since the beginning of my existence. Heading into my Grade 10 year, I wanted to know what the environment of my next three years of high school would look like.
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  • 2024 Bailly Tournament Champs

    SG Basketball: When Balls Don't Fall

    By Erik Van Dyke
    This past weekend, your Stanstead College Spartans travelled to St-Jean-sur-Richelieu to participate in the first of our two most important events of the year, the 2024 Bailly Small Schools Provincial Tournament. As defending champions, and ranked #1 going into the tourney, we were looking to take care of business and bring the championship plaque back home.  
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  • Athlete of the Week: Bokyeong "Kayla" Lee

    This Grade 11 student-athlete from South Korea has been in the curling program for two years. Over time, she has emerged as quite the player. Kayla was a dominant force in the team’s game against Richmond this past week. Coach Planetta describes Kayla as a “smiling assassin” -- taking out opposition stones with a devilish grin on her face. Kayla looks to lead her team as they play for the ETIAC championship tomorrow in North Hatley. For her overall progress and amazing performance this past week, congratulations to Athlete of the Week Kayla Lee.
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  • SG Basketball: Doing More Things Right

    By Erik Van Dyke
    I can’t say for sure how all of their games have gone this season, but I’m pretty sure that La Ruche, undefeated and undisputed league leaders in RSEQ D3 this season, haven’t had many games as tough as their game against your Stanstead Spartans last Wednesday.
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  • Grade 9 winners

    Junior Science Fair 2024 Winners Announced

    Students in Grades 7, 8 and 9 presented their Science Fair projects at the annual Junior Science Fair on Tuesday evening. The Science Fair has become a tradition at Stanstead College, and it was remarkable to see all the students, parents and teachers interact as the young scientists presented their results to the judges. The following are the winners by grade.
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  • More Thoughts on Kindness

    By Kayla L., Grade 11
    This is my fourth year at Stanstead College, but I still remember the first day when I came to Stanstead. I’m sure people who were here in 2020 would remember what that year was like. It was really different from now due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. Everything was unorganized and unfamiliar. Due to the pandemic, my flight got delayed, and I had to take online classes for the two months of my first year at Stanstead.
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  • Kindness Opens Hearts and Lives

    By Annie L., Grade 11
    I hope it is true when I say that everybody in this room has been shaped by the kindness of another person. Whether this person is a friend, a parent, a sibling, a teacher, or even a stranger, there is no denying the positive impact that kindness leaves on you. And there is also no denying the impact you can leave on the world by simply being nice to someone else.
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  • Co-Athletes of the Week: Laurie Aubin & Zoé Charland

    Athlete of the Week is co-awarded to two linemates from prep girls hockey. Laurie Aubin has been at the top of her game all season and did not disappoint this weekend at the JWHL Challenge Cup. She scored the overtime winner to advance the prep girls to its first championship game in program history. She finished the tournament with 5 goals and 5 assists in 6 games which was good for fourth overall in the tournament. Laurie’s overtime goal was assisted by Zoé Charland, who has been an equal force the entire season. Zoe scored 9 goals and added 3 assists for 12 points in 6 games this weekend and good for second overall in the tournament. Like Gretzky and Messier or Lemieux and Jagr, these two linemates lead on the scoresheet but also with their work ethic and never-quit attitudes. Congratulations, Laurie Aubin and Zoe Charland.
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  • SG Basketball: The Question

    By Erik Van Dyke
    The halftime buzzer goes. The players trudge to the bench, heads down, shoulders slumped. Demoralized. I can’t exactly remember the score, but it was ugly. 36-11 or something like that. It felt like more. Laruche’s full-court press was debilitating, no let-up at all, never letting us get comfortable on offence, and their fast break was killing us. Even if we got a couple bodies back in transition, they would stay in fifth gear, attack downhill and finish anyway, contested or not. Even when we forced them to play in the half court, they dropped threes like it was nothing. They were fast, athletic, deep, they were shooting well, and they were on their home floor. Laruche was rolling. Stanstead was not going to win this game.
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  • Building on Destiny

    Noémie C., Grade 11 Prefect
    At the end of the school year, I will be leaving this place I have called home for the past three years. I will be taking off to this big city called Montreal. I will be living there on my own, leaving my hometown and this small town. I will not lie to you: being on my very own for the first time in a big city like Montreal without my parents brings me a lot of concerns. Will I be able to manage my apartment? Will I be able to find my way around? All those questions I would never ask myself here in Stanstead.  
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  • SG Basketball: Rounding into Form

    By Erik Van Dyke
    “That was the best team basketball I’ve ever seen you guys play.” – Mr. Andrew Blair, head minor official, giving his thoughts to me after the game.
    And he was not wrong. Because not only were we going up against a fast, well-coached Triolet team hellbent on revenge (we’d beaten them 10 days earlier), but Trio full-court presses every second of every game, and we were going to be without our point guard (as Melissa was out with a concussion). Nothing is harder in girls’ basketball than bringing up the ball vs pressure without a true dribbler. Not only is it difficult, it can be demoralizing. I’m not gonna lie, I was concerned coming into this game.
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  • Don't Worry About the Moments to Come

    By Alina S., Grade 11
    I want to talk about something that all of us students in Quebec struggle with daily during this time of year. The sun comes out late and goes down early, dangerously low temperature where you can’t be outside for more than five minutes without getting frostbite, and on top of that, winter depression.
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  • Make Sleep Hygiene Part of Your Routine

    By Andrea Schmitt
    You know how you feel when you haven’t slept enough. You can’t get up in the morning, you can’t stay awake during class, you have no energy for sports in the afternoon. It feels like you’re not your best self and your only goal is going to sleep as quickly as possible…

    Your parents (and your teachers) might have given you lectures about what you should do, and you’ve heard it all before, you know the theory. Nevertheless, I’m here as well to tell you that sleep is really important for your brain and your body in order to perform well. So, try to do it for them if you don’t want to do it for yourself.
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  • January

    Look Fear in the Eyes

    By Christopher L., Grade 11
    A brother of mine, who goes by the name of Anderson Trider, told me this quote in Grade 9: “Ask a question and be dumb for a moment or hold your tongue and be dumb forever.” At the time, I did not understand this quote. I was a young, immature boy who would not get out of his comfort zone. Now, two years later, I understand what he meant.  
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  • SG Basketball: All This and Triolet Too

    By Erik Van Dyke
    Friday, 12:00 noon, first game of the BCS Invitational Tournament vs The Study. Opening jump ball, the ref lobs it up, and we’re under way.
    ----------------    I N T E R L U D E    ----------------
    Saturday, 4:00 pm, the very next day, the final horn blows, signaling the end of our last game, and the end of the tournament.
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  • Athlete of the Week: William Towner

    This Grade 12 student-athlete from Ayer's Cliff, Quebec earned 3 points in two games against a tough Le Boisé opponent on Saturday. The U18 hockey captain followed up these performances by helping lead his team to a 7-3 victory over Frontalière on Monday by scoring 4 goals and adding 3 assists. William always plays the game the right way, is a natural leader on and off the ice and is a pleasure to coach. Congratulations, William Towner!
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  • SG Basketball: Team Victory

    By Erik Van Dyke
    Twelve days ago, in our first game back from the Christmas break, we travelled all the way to Victoriaville to play our worst game of the year versus Le Boise, a listless 33-24 loss. This past Tuesday was our chance at redemption. At home this time.
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  • Athlete of the week: Jaxon Pierce

    This past weekend, varsity boys hockey won both of their games, the first against the #3-ranked Kimball Union Academy and the second against New Hampton School. Leading the offensive charge in both games was team captain Jaxon Pierce (Grade 12, Fredericton, NB). Jaxon scored on the first shift of the game against Kimball Union and scored both the first and second goals against New Hampton school on Sunday. Besides finding himself on the scoresheet for 3 goals in 2 games, Jaxon’s work ethic was on full display all weekend. Congratulations, Jaxon! 
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  • SG Basketball @ MIST: Moving Forward

    By Erik Van Dyke
    This past weekend your Spartans travelled to the big city for the annual Montreal Independent Schools Tournament, always a highlight of the year. We were hoping to build upon the progress we made in our last league game vs Salesien, and build we did. We haven’t quite returned to our best form of the season (which was at CAIS last November), but we made real strides.
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  • Making the Transition

    By Noah P., Grade 11
    I spent the first twelve years of my life in the comfort of my parents’ home north of Quebec City, where, I must admit, I had everything I needed on a “silver plate.” My life was pretty easy! The decision to come to Stanstead College in Grade 7 was mine, and my parents fully supported me in that choice.
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  • SG Basketball: Improvement Noted

    By Erik Van Dyke
    Well, that was better. Much better. Starting right away with the warmup, we looked faster. More athletic. Ready to go. Passes were crisp, hands were sure and cuts were sharp, the kind where you hear the sneakers squeak on the floor. All of which carried over to the first quarter, and honestly, to the whole game. Last Thursday, we looked like we were moving in quicksand, but this past Tuesday vs Le Salesien we were purposeful for the full 32 minutes.
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  • Athlete of the Week: Charles Généreux

    Charles Genereux of U15 hockey had a tremendous day this past Wednesday at Cardigan Mountain School in New Hampshire. A Grade 9 student from Lorraine, Quebec, Charles scored the tying goal in the last three minutes of play in the third period, and then, with 54 seconds remaining in the game, he scored the game winner on an outstanding end-to-end rush. The Spartans staged the late-game comeback against a big, strong and fast Cardigan Mountain team to pull off the 3-2 victory. For putting the team on his back, your athlete of the week is the U15 hockey team captain, Charles Généreux.
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  • Compassion in Action Can Make a Difference

    By Luke D., Grade 11
    At the risk of sounding a bit depressing, let's face it, our world can be messed up. Think about it: conflict and war, inequality and poverty, environmental pollution, discrimination, corruption, injustice and the violation of human rights, just to name a few examples. But why are humans driven to cause these outcomes? Is it insatiable greed for power some leaders have, or is it our innate fear of weakness and failure? Either way, our world has a void, a void that will destroy us if it is not filled.
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  • SG Basketball: No Pain, No Gain

    By Erik Van Dyke
    Saturday, December 2, 2023, the CAIS Tournament in Winnipeg. Not only was that the last basketball game your Spartans played before this past Thursday’s RSEQ trip to Le Boise in Victoriaville; that was also the last day the whole team even practiced together. Immediately upon their return from CAIS, our Grade 12s started preparing for exams, i.e. no athletics, just studying.
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  • Beating the Winter-Back-To-School Blues

    By Andrea Schmitt
    Returning to your boarding school after the long pause might be a happy event for some, but it’s a drag for many. I’d even say some teachers and staff feel the same about returning after these holiday celebrations. Maybe you’ve visited your family and friends in another country. If you’re an international student, you might be experiencing a huge temperature change (from hot Mexico to cold Canada) or being jet-lagged after a long flight from Asia. If you’re a day student, all the stories about exotic locations can feel endless to listen to. It doesn’t help that winter, with its low temperatures and often grey skies, will be here for the next months…
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  • Grade 12 Term 1 Honours

    Head of School Joanne Carruthers is pleased to release the list of Grade 12 students who have achieved academic success in their first term (September to December). For their efforts, these students have earned a place on the Academic Honours List, the Head's List and the Chair's List. 
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  • The Power of Yet 

    By Annabelle C., Grade 11
    I bet I am not the only one who says, “I can’t do this,” or “I’m not good at that.” We tend to be negative when faced with challenges, setbacks or failures. However, the key to unlocking our true potential is to cultivate a growth mindset.
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